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Legal notice

This website is owned by the SAS Telatex Company. We reserve our right to modify or remove contents from this website at any time and for any reason, and this, with no prior notification. Telatex disclaims all responsibility, in any way whatsoever, for any consequences of such modifications.

Company details

Telatex SAS
SIREN No: 351 255 963
NAF code: 4641Z
Phone: +33 (0)3 29 25 90 48
Postal address: 22, rue d'Alsace - 88360 Ferdrupt - France


Editor: M. G. Kohler
Site Hosting: OVH
Design: Elioweb

Privacy statement

The contact form we use on our website requires you to submit personal details, such as your name, postal address or e-mail address. This information is needed for us to respond to your comments or inquiries. Please be sure that we will never send you unwanted e-mail messages. In any event our website collects this information only for providing services and products to Telatex's customers. The user shall provide this information with full knowledge of this Privacy Policy. Some of these details are mandatory for the needs of the business, and some not. It is up to the user to decide if it wants to disclose such information. In any event, it is our policy not to collect or disclose such information without the knowledge of the user. As we do not exchange, transfer, make available or sell in any way and on any support whatsoever such data to third parties.


This website must be regarded as a whole entity. Reproduction or representation without prior consent by the editor, in full or partially, of its pages, contents and of any other of its components, by any means and on any support whatsoever, is prohibited, and shall be interpreted as counterfeit. The brand names and logos reproduced on this website are the property of Telatex.

Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links down to our website is subject to prior approval of the editors. Telatex disclaims all responsibility for hypertext links included in our website and referring back to other websites.

Privacy rights

This website complies with the Guidelines of the French laws Informatique et Libertés (CNIL, Law of January 6, 1978 modified).